We will make your
ecological footprint disappear
Rulers of the plastic, protectors of the planet!
We are not afraid to use unique technologies. With us, just like with the mythical Phoenix, we re-vitalise waste plastic and turn it into usable raw materials once again. All our processes use zero harmful substances.
„Consign your waste to us – it could be your best decision!“
Plastics can be perpetual motion.
Depolymerisation is the Holy Grail! How does it work? Out of oil, polymers are produced – from which plastics are manufactured. Used plastics are normally wasted. We transform that waste into an oil. Out of this particular oil we make polymers and plastics again. During the entire process, the carbon produced is significantly reduced. The waste plastics are then again processed into an oil. The whole process is circular. This is what we do! We consider this circular operation to be of real benefit to the planet.
More fresh air for everyone
The traditional production of plastics from crude oil is currently producing unacceptably exessive amounts of carbon dioxide. Due to our unique method of recycling, we are able to produce more quality oil with a minimum of carbon dioxide. Consequently, we make it easier for everyone to breathe. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Do you feel the same as us?
And we love them back. Cities are producing enormous amounts of waste, which is extremely costly for them. We reduce their waste as well as their financial costs.
Furthermore, we do this in an ecological and environmentally friendly way.
In the world prior to Mevra, Municipal waste was kept at the city‘s waste yards or landfill sites. Alternatively, it was lawfully disposed of or burned.
Neither of these options are ecologically beneficial or economical. In the new Mevra world, Municipalities can have their waste transformed into materials, which can be be useful to their citizens.
This can be done without any damaging ecological impact and without any adverse environmental consequences .Magic? No…simply Mevra.
Today’s discussions are about a circular economy. Well, we are not discussing it! Instead we are acting on it. We are extracting waste materials and returning them back to useful production.
We do this ecologically, effectively and with a real desire to help our fellow citizens.
Every little
Archimedes once said: “Give me a place to stand and I will move the earth.” We say: “Give us your industrial waste and we will turn it into oil, carbon and gas”.
Materials produced by our unique ecological method can be used again and again in either chemical, agricultural or engineering industries.
A Together, we can move the earth. Together, we can move towards sustainable, greener production and a better environment for all.
Are you Municipalities or manufacturers? Are you concerned about the amount of waste currently produced - and its consequences for our planet?
Do you care about the environment? Are you interested in supporting the development of the circular economy?
Become one of our partners and together lets use the current wasteful waste to create a better enviroment. We are able to make this happen in an ecological, modern and sensible way.
Instead of a waste footprint, leave a green footprint.
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IČO: 11668555
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